Thursday, 20 July 2017

Lend a hand - Literally

Dear Reader,

Today is my birthday - July 20th. I turn 39 this year. I still believe I have a lot to learn and have a long way to go before I sleep. I'm still not married (if you know of someone interested in me let me know :) ) so I haven't really experienced married life with kids. But hope to find someone I love, get married, have kids, watch them grow up and grow old with my wife. The reason I'm saying all this is because whenever I think about the person I will get married to or the kind of life my kids will have, I've never delved upon what a wonderful life my wife has had and what a wonderful life my kids will have. I, my wife and kids should be thankful for all that we have. Why? read on.

I went to an upbeat cafe today morning to get some good old fashioned tea. As I was about to enter the cafe, I noticed a young girl lugging a large suitcase up a flight of stairs leading to the cafe. At first I didn't pay too much attention but when I looked closer, I noticed she had only one hand! I couldn't help but look again and immediately asked her if she needs help with the suitcase. By that time she was already on the last step and I really was not of much help in carrying the suitcase up on step and into the cafe. The security guard lend her a hand to enter the cafe and she seemed fine and comfortable, I let her be and entered the cafe. All along I couldn't but help how a young girl ended up in such a situation. Was it an unfortunate event that brought her this misfortune or was this a disability she had from birth. Did she really deserve to be in such circumstances? And why was she alone?

I got some tea for myself and sat down at one corner of the cafe. She ordered something for herself and sat down on a chair, opened her laptop, connected her cell phone, and started typing with one hand. I kept watching her from the corner of my eye and noticed that she was adept at typing with one hand, probably had got used to it by now.

I reflected upon myself and how thankful I should be for all that I have. I don't know if I have won the ovarian lottery or not but I can be thankful for all that I have. There are so many people who rant non stop about how bad things are and complain all the time. All I can tell them is to look on the bright side and be happy about the positive things that have happened in their lives.

There are so many people who have not won the ovarian lottery in some way or another but they haven't given up hope. They strive each day to make things better and improve for the better. Are they all equally worst off? I don't know and can't say. My parents have asked me multiple times as to why I don't give away spare change to beggers who come begging for money at traffic intersections in India. They never hesitate to give a few coins. But I usually refrain from giving any money. I've explained to them that I don't know what circumstances have led them to beg for money. Some of them look fine enough to get a job... any kind of job.

I think, of all those who have not won the ovarian lottery, the kind who are disabled in some way or another are worst off. The disability could be physical or mental. It could be by birth or it could be due to circumstances. They are the ones who must be given a second chance. Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong. Let me know in the comments section.

Until next time,


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