Saturday 1 June 2019

Give a Chance to Chance Upon

Dear Reader,

We are in an era where everything is super precise. This is because new technological innovations are allowing us to measure everything to a very precise degree. Time, distance, events, emotions, habits, communication, thoughts, etc. practically everything can be measured in one way or another.

All this high precision data is helping us make better decisions, super accurate predictions and high quality assessments. In general, we are in a era where things are so precise that an individual can get siloed into his own 'precise world'. Take for example, Google search results. When the company started, results were great but there were also other results that were not very relevant. In 2018, Google search results are so precise that one does not even need to look at the 2nd result from all the results returned.

This leaves very little room for the user to 'chance' upon something that perhaps he is not immediately looking for but may be of interest to the user. Higher levels of precision leaves little chance to chance upon something whereas lower levels of precision gives a high chance to chance upon something. I have personally experienced this when I end up clicking on a search result lower down the relevance list that ends up taking me to other links and eventually I end up learning something new. Information that I otherwise would not have found and information that may be relevant to me at another time.

Lots of discoveries and innovations have also been chanced upon. Take for example,

18 Accidental and Unintended Scientific Discoveries that Changed the World

The higher the level of precision - lower the chances to chance upon. Like the illustration below, a simple black dot. It is precise and on the dot (pun intended). Very low chances of varied interpretations and its properties are well define.

The lower the level of precision - higher the changes to chance upon. Like the illustration below, new interpretations can be made from the illustration, new properties can be observed, different colors can be observed, etc.

What would be the right balance of precision and the chance to chance upon? I don't know and makes for an interesting scientific paper.

Those with a curious/exploratory mind would generally tend to go down the path of chancing upon something new even when they are not looking for it. Some companies use this behavior to their advantage and have algorithms integrated into their products that suggest the same, such as, "suggested link", "people who bought this also bought this", "friends of friends liked this post", etc. People are generally more curious about certain topics than others. For example, a 16-year old would be curious to know who in his/her class is friends with who (come to think of it this is a topic that transcends all ages 😉 ), who is married to who, who visited which place, who ate what and where and why and how, and so on. Makes for a great rabbit hole.

What do you think?

Until next time.

Jyothin M. Madari 😊

Sunday 19 May 2019

Quiznak - Lessons on team work from Voltron

Dear Reader,

I've been binge watching Voltron - Legendary Defenders on Netflix for the past couple of months and can't get enough of it. I first watched the old version Voltron - Defender of the Universe when I was a kid, waaaay back in 1990s and have always been a fan of the show. The idea of 5 lions coming together to form a lean mean fighting robot was truly incredible at that time. So, when I came across the new version of the show on Netflix I could not resist watching it.

Voltron animated series touches up on many aspects of leadership. Such as, ownership, insisting on high standards, obsession with a goal, invent and simplify, thinking big, bias for action, learn and be curious, earn trust, have backbone - disagree and commit, deliver results and more importantly collaboration & team work.

Team work can make or break the future of the team.

Some lessons from Voltron on teamwork and well functioning teams,
  • Every member in the team has a unique skill/quality that is different from others and very unique to that member. This also includes the team leader and no I'm not talking about leadership skills. These are skills that are required for the team to achieve their goals.
  • Members in teams communicate on the best way to achieve a goal/target. They may not always agree on the way forward but they decide on consensus and agree to the decided approach i.e. "Disagree and Commit"
  • Each team member seeks support from others in the team at the different times and in different situations and let others take the lead if required.
  • Humor is a great way to break tension in teams, break an argument, lighten the mood in difficult situations and get perspective.
  • Members encourage other team members to excel in his/her own area of expertise and in the process uncover unknown strengths.
  • A team works together when faced with an external threat, even if it is unknown and are dealing with a new situation.

What more do you think constitutes a great team?

Until next time.

Vrepit Sa!